


archery, commercialization, strategic analysis, PEST, SWOT, Archery Federation of Ukraine, sports schools, sports clubs


In the modern world, sport has always been and remains an essential element of the cultural, physical, and social life of society. Among the many sports that capture the hearts and minds of people, one of the oldest and most vulnerable to change is archery. The global processes of commercialization of the 21st century have covered almost all areas of human life and activity, including business, culture, education, medicine, and sports. Thus, the commercialization of archery in Ukraine can lead to an increase in the financial influence and popularity of this sport due to the attraction of sponsors and the expansion of media coverage. However, along with the advantages brought by the commercialization process, there are several threats, including inequality in the distribution of financial resources, a possible distance from sports values due to commercial interest, and the influence of sponsors on the decisions and results of sports events. That is why the purpose of our research is to determine the internal and external factors of the influence of commercialization on the development of the sport «archery» in Ukraine by using the methods of strategic analysis of the commercial activities of key sports organizations. We used the PEST and SWOT analysis methods to achieve the goal. The results of the study consist of determining the influence of external factors on the process of commercialization of the Archery Federation of Ukraine, the Ukrainian Archery Federation, and sports clubs. Also, according to the results of the SWOT analysis, the strengths and weaknesses of the researched process, as well as the opportunities and threats it carries, are determined. The results of using strategic analysis methods made it possible to build a strategy for the commercialization of archery in Ukraine, which would consider the macro- and micro-level of the functioning of this sport. This work can be helpful for the academic community, as well as become a road map for the development of a strategy and policy for the development of bow sports in Ukraine.


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Cтатут Федерації стрільби з лука. Офіційний сайт Федерації стрільби з лука України. URL:

Положення про дитячо-юнацьку спортивну школу. Урядовий портал України. URL:

