Paralympic sports, paralympic skiers, functional class, annual trainingAbstract
Athletes with musculoskeletal disabilities are the most dynamic spectator element of Paralympic sports, among whom the range of competitions is expanding, competition is growing, and new sports are emerging. Ski racing among athletes with disabilities, which was introduced at the 1st Winter Paralympic Games in 1976, has undergone significant changes over the years of its existence. New trends in the development of cross-country skiing in Paralympic sports are characterized by an increase in the speed of movement of athletes along the distance and an increase in the competition program, which makes it extremely necessary to carry out a further search for reserves associated with the preparation of paralyzed athletes. An analysis of cross-country skiing in the modern Winter Paralympic Games has identified significant changes in the terrain of the distances, the use of climbs of different lengths and angles, activities in difficult weather conditions (snowfall, wind, low temperature), which has a significant impact on the final competitive result and requires consideration of these factors when planning the annual training of paralympic skiers. The purpose of this work is to consider the features of constructing the annual training cycle for paralympic skiers of the sports class LW 10-12. The preparation process in Paralympic cross-country skiing is based on single-cycle planning of the annual macrocycle, which is aimed at ensuring the highest readiness for a specific start and is associated with the seasonality of the crosscountry skiing and the need for a long transition period for the recovery of paralympic skiers. The dynamics of general physical and special physical training, as well as the ratio of the volume and intensity of the load in the structure of the annual training of paralympic skiers, has a wave-like character. At the same time, the volume of special-preparatory funds in relation to general-preparatory ones increases significantly in the special-preparatory, pre-competition and competitive mesocycles, the volume of the load reaches its maximum in the special-preparatory mesocycle, and the intensity increases significantly in the competitive mesocycle at the stage of early starts and in the 1st and 2nd competitive mesocycles at the stage of the main starts. To ensure an individual approach in the process of training paralympic skiers, it is necessary to take into account their nosological group. Thus, the volume of load in various structural formations of the training process between representatives of different functional classes can vary from 5% to 8%.
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