


fitness-trainer, gymnastic and choreographic terminology, physical culture and sports, fitness, choreography


Modern fitness centers and clubs require a high level of preparation of specialists (fitness trainers) who directly carry out practical work with clients. In the training of specialists in the specialties 017 Physical culture and sport, 024 Choreography, 014 Secondary education (Physical culture) and (Choreography), participants of the project group of educational and professional programs are guided by modern trends in the preparation of educational programs, cooperate with stakeholders, employers, partners, communicate with graduates and education seekers, conduct educational and career guidance work where they conduct dialogue in a professional manner. It is important to study gymnastic and choreographic terminology while studying at a higher education institution for drawing up fitness programs for dance disciplines. After all, the ability to conduct a dialogue and make a recording in a professional way requires the mastery of academic and modern terms used in physical culture, sports, fitness and choreography. The expediency of this preparation of the above-mentioned specialties in institutions of higher education is due to a combination of factors, among which the leading ones are: the demand for specialists of a new formation capable of providing high-quality services to the population; orient society's priority to a healthy lifestyle; formation of their professional conceptual apparatus. Gymnastic and choreographic terminology provides an opportunity to use the word more widely in the teaching process. Each term includes a whole concept, therefore the term is a more universal definition, because it gives an opportunity to create an idea of the movement and reflects the essence of the exercise technique. In addition, the terminology contributes to theoretical preparation for meaningful performance of motor tasks. Therefore, in the training of specialists in physical culture, sports, fitness and choreography, an important place is occupied by the formation of a professional conceptual apparatus, in particular, in writing lesson notes, conducting group classes, recording gymnastic exercises and choreographic compositions, etc. The purpose of the study is to attempt to record exercises and dance movements in Ukrainian for aerobic fitness classes using step platforms while training future fitness trainers in gymnastic and choreographic terminology. The work uses the method of theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific literature, the method of observing the work of fitness trainers and aerobics instructors. According to the results of scientific searches, scientific and methodical sources were analyzed and summarized, which made it possible to evaluate the importance of gymnastic and choreographic terminology in the professional activity of fitness trainers. The observation of the work of fitness trainers and aerobics instructors confirmed the thesis about the importance of mastering professional terminology while studying at a higher education institution. An attempt was made to record exercises in Ukrainian for aerobic fitness classes using step platforms while training future fitness trainers in gymnastic and choreographic terminology. In the future, it is possible to use these works in drawing up lesson notes during practical classes and production practice of future fitness trainers.


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