



handball, physical training, training, rotating bones


The technology of training student handball players is in accordance with the underlying laws of the theory and methodology of sports, where the integral preparation of the athlete becomes the main focus. Therefore, in this case, it is necessary to adhere to the principles of sport that are most accessible, which represent the patterns, with the understanding of individual physical and technical-tactical features of their implementation in dynamic sportsmen. situations zmagan. The training process of a student handball team consists of the main interdependent parts: physical, technical, tactical, psychological and theoretical preparation. The laborious process of a team of student handball players following the underlying patterns begins and develops, as a model-whole basis of preparation, which creates the integral preparation of the athlete. Everyday training is based on fundamental pedagogical principles that reflect the patterns, individual and age-old characteristics of handball players. First of all, we must follow the principles of universality and activity, continuity, repetition, and individualization. To achieve model-target sports results in student handball, a consistent level of physical and technical-tactical preparedness is of utmost importance. Therefore, physical preparation plays an important role in training, which is realized through the process of improving grappling technique. To achieve a model-target sports result on par with the methods and techniques used in handball, it is necessary for the initial training robot to maintain the right to physical training, such as biological and physiologist These are signs of the closest proximity to the game and physical activity of handball players. The main methods of physical training of student-athletes in handball are: repetition, change, interval, game, and the method of circular training. The main role of handball players’ secure physical fitness and special physical fitness is played by the right, directing on the development of fluidity, strength, fluidity and strength, hand-coordination abilities, vibrancy and bunkness. These handball bones significantly indicate varied physical development and the ability to achieve high results in handball.


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