


conflict behavior, football players, training, sports process, game, coach, sports relations


Conflicts are an integral part of human life, and their study is of great importance for many reasons. The study of conflicts helps to understand their nature and determine ways to overcome them. It helps to improve relationships between people in various areas of life, including family, work, social and sports relationships. In sports where competition and pressure are always high, understanding conflicts and their impact on team collaboration and player performance is critical for coaches, psychologists and athletes. Conflict studies play an important role in training managers and leaders who must be able to manage conflicts in organizations and teams. We consider it necessary to single out a sports conflict – it is a conflict that arises in the field of sports or sports teams due to various reasons. It can affect the interaction between players, coaches, administration and other participants in the sports process. Sports conflicts can be different in nature and consequences. Conflicts can arise due to disagreements in the game, such as umpiring decisions, rule determinations, game results, or coaching decisions. Players may experience various interpersonal conflicts such as disagreements, misunderstandings, jealousy, antagonism, or conflicts between coaches and players. Conflicts can arise between coaches and administration, coaches and players, coaches of other teams, as well as internal conflicts in the coaching staff. Sports organizations and clubs may face conflicts regarding finances, management, player decisions and so on. The emotional state of players, coaches and other participants in sports activities can lead to psychological conflicts such as stress, nervousness, low self-esteem or depression. Football is a contact sport and physical conflicts such as fouls or fights between players can occur during the game. Some players may engage in unsportsmanlike behavior, including fouling, stalling, or faking injuries. In a team sport such as football, there can be conflicts of interest between players, coaches and club managers.


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