


physical education, program, project, lesson, schoolchildren.


The problems of physical education of children are in the field of view of the governments and societies of different countries. There is no state that would remain indifferent to the qualitative solution of this important problem, because physical education is an integral part of the education of children in preschool institutions, institutions of general secondary education and youth in institutions of higher education. Research methods – analysis and generalization of data from scientific and methodical literature, documentary materials and Internet sources. In Ireland, an educational program aimed at improving the well-being of secondary school students “Junior Cycle” has been implemented. Implementation of the “Junior cycle” program was started in 2017, and its participants were a group of students who moved from primary school to high school. In Italy, the project “Sports classes” was implemented. “Sports Classes” is a project implemented with the support of the Ministry of Education, higher education institutions and scientific institutes of Italy and the Italian National Olympic Committee. It benefits from the support of state, regional and territorial government bodies of the country, which cooperate at all levels of the project. The Latvian goal of the project “Sport for all” (Sporto visa klase) is to strengthen the role of sports in the life of society, to awaken children’s interest in regular physical exercises, and to monitor the impact of physical activity on their health. The Lithuanian social and educational project “Let’s Move” (Judekim) is a long-term campaign to inform people about the benefits of physical activity and sports, primarily dedicated to popularizing a healthy lifestyle among schoolchildren. Luxembourg’s “Active Schools” is a project aimed at increasing the level of physical activity among primary school students. The Dutch project “Together learning, excellent results” (Samen leren, goed presteren) is a case study that analyzes the experience of a primary school in The Hague, which includes physical education and physical activity in the curriculum. The status of physical education, recognized in all European countries, as the only compulsory subject of the school curriculum, which is formed mainly on body structure, activation of motor activity, development of physical qualities and health.


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