physical education, student, physical culture, higher education institution.Abstract
The principles of the new educational system advocate for a shift in approaches to teaching and educating students, emphasizing the construction of professional motivation through the humanization and democratization of the educational process. However, these principles have not been fully integrated into the practical activities of physical education departments in higher education institutions. This shortfall negatively impacts the overall level of knowledge and practical skills in physical culture among students. There is a need to elevate the expectations for the national education of students and ensure proper organizational and methodical support for the process of physical education. This will enable the alignment of personal values and a health-oriented approach as crucial elements in the system that shapes a contemporary strategy for the holistic education of student youth, contributing to the goal of forming a healthy personality. Students exhibit insufficiently developed value orientations regarding the educational subject “Physical Education”. This is evidenced by various indicators, including a low-ranking position in the system of personal values, a diminished assessment of the quality of teaching the subject “Physical Education” by students, the prevalence of negative emotions among a significant number of students during physical and sports classes, and the absence or inadequate formation of key motivating factors for student activity in physical education classes. The organization of students’ physical education is influenced by changes in the economic system, specifically the transition to a market economy, political and administrative systems, and the value-ideological context in which educational processes occur, particularly in the field of training pedagogical personnel. The purpose of this study is to theoretically justify the development of the value-motivational sphere of students in the process of physical education.
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