


physical activity, elderly, methodology.


The aim of this research is to thoroughly study, systematize, and justify the organizational and methodological principles of healthrecreational physical activity for elderly individuals. To achieve this goal, various theoretical research methods were applied, including theoretical analysis of specialized scientific and methodological literature, documentary materials, abstraction, logical-theoretical analysis, comparative analysis, theoretical forecasting, conceptual modeling, inductive and deductive methods, synthesis method, and systematic organization method. The article highlights the prerequisites for the implementation of health-recreational physical activity among the elderly in Ukraine. The authors point out that this type of activity can be a key instrument for attracting the target audience to regular health-promoting sessions. Demographic prerequisites are associated with the expected increase in the number of elderly individuals in Ukraine by 2035. Social, psychological, personal, biological, informational, and economic aspects are identified as factors influencing the interest of the elderly in physical activity. The research emphasizes the need to develop a concept for engaging elderly people in physical activity based on scientific needs and strategic priorities. Issues such as loneliness, loss of interests, economic difficulties, and low awareness among the elderly population of Ukraine are taken into account. The article discusses organizational aspects of health-recreational physical activity for the elderly, focusing on a comprehensive approach to improving the physical and mental well-being of the target audience. Individualized programs, the use of modern technologies such as sensory devices and mobile applications, and support for group activities contribute to the successful involvement of such individuals in an active lifestyle. The importance of various methodological foundations for developing a concept for managing health-recreational physical activity is also emphasized. The research highlights the practical contribution to improving the quality of life for the elderly population and contributes to the formation of strategies for effective development of active aging.


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