



young athletes, special physical fitness, single kicks, combos, control, differences, ITF taekwondo.


The need to improve the physical training of athletes in ITF Taekwondo, to solve which it is necessary to find out the existing level of special physical training of young athletes in this sport has been identified. The aim of the research is to identify the level of special physical fitness and its differences between young athletes of different age groups of ITF taekwondo. Materials and methods. The following methods were used: theoretical analysis, generalization of data from references and the Internet, pedagogical testing, methods of mathematical statistics. Special physical fitness of the athletes was determined with the help of control exercises: single punches and kicks, combinations of two (dolochagi-cross and yop chagi-hook) and three (hook-dolkyo chagi and jab-yop chakgi-hook) kicks with involvement of arms and legs for 10 and 120 s. Results. For the majority of control exercises from the special physical training of young athletes in ITF taekwondo, a gradual increase in results from the youngest group (7–9 years old) to the oldest (15–17 years old) is observed. Laws have been revealed according to which in all control exercises, the youngest athletes (ages 7–9) are inferior to their older colleagues; in most of the control exercises, taekwondo players aged 15–17 dominate by the results over other age groups (р≤0.04); there are no significant differences between taekwondo players of the 10–11 and 12–14 age groups; with increasing age, ITF taekwondo athletes are more likely to gain an advantage in special (speed and power) endurance events and in control exercises with single kicks and combinations of three kicks for 120 s. Conclusions. In neither control exercises, statistically significant differences between the results of taekwondo players of the two age groups of 10–11 and 12–14 years were found. They are within the age range that was analyzed and having, for the most part, statistically probable differences frbetweenom athletes aged 7–9 and 15–17, remain a certain buffer (reserve) zone. We believe that for athletes of the specified age, it is necessary to implement targeted training effects on physical training in ITF Taekwondo.


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