


football, Sumy region, championship, amateur competitions.


An integral part of modern social life are mass sports events attended by numerous fans of certain sports. Football is undoubtedly one of the most popular sports. Football is a component of physical culture and sports and part of the cultural life of society, which contributes to the preservation and strengthening of human health, the development of physical and moral-volitional qualities, and the organization of meaningful leisure [1]. For more than 130 years of existence, this sport has become the most popular sport in the world both in terms of the number of visitors to football matches and the number of people involved in football both at the amateur and professional levels [7; 10]. Football Sumy region has always been rich in bright talents, but most of them never managed to be fully realized. Before trying themselves at a high level, Boris Shurshyn, Viktor Halchenko, Volodymyr Shatokhin, Valerii Zhylin, Viacheslav Khruslov, Serhii Strashnenko, Vasyl Luhovyi, Viktor Soloviov broke the applause of the local fans. Among the younger generation, Serhii Bilozor, Viacheslav Serdiuk, Maksym Biletskyi, Dmytro Bermudes, Artem Bezrodnyi, Serhii Strashenko (junior), Oleh Husev should be singled out [4]. The article is devoted to the review and analysis of the state of amateur football in the Sumy region in the 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023 seasons. The article discusses changes in the competition format, the quantitative composition of tournament participants and their results. A detailed analysis of the standings at different stages of the last four seasons is carried out. Also, the results of each team, their places in the standings and the geographical distribution of the teams are highlighted. The article presents key statistical data of the Sumy region football championship in certain seasons, the number of participants in competitions of various levels and the number of matches played.


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