


football players, stage of preliminary basic training, training process, technical training, expert assessment, modernization.


The foundation of football players’ success during competitive activities is compatible and fruitful work, aimed at the athlete’s motivation for training and the desire to go for victory. The purpose of the study was to determine the opinion of experts regarding the modernization of the process of technical training of football players at the stage of preliminary basic training and the justification of special updates to the training program. The pedagogical experiment was carried out on the basis of the Barsa Football Center in 2023. The participant was also a master’s student. The method of expert assessment made it possible to obtain information about the immediate importance of technical training of athletes. Also, the experts gave preference to the use of special means to improve technical readiness during the preparatory stage. Specialists noted that special means are necessary to improve the technical preparation of athletes. Experts singled out the improvement of techniques as a criterion for the effectiveness of special means. and the significance of special means for improving the technical preparation of athletes. The main four stages of formation of technical readiness of football players at the stage of preliminary basic training in the preparatory period of the annual training cycle are justified. The task of the first stage is to form an idea (logical, visual and motor idea) about how to perform the main elements of football technique; and also develop motivation and coordination readiness for learning. The task of the second stage is to form the ability to technically correctly perform the main techniques of the football players’ game at this stage of training and to develop the skills of coherence to combine separate technical elements into a single integral structure of the athlete’s motor actions. The practical exercise method was used to implement this stage of forming technical readiness. The task of the third stage consists in forming the correctness of performing technical techniques, being able to combine variations of fast movement on the playing field and simultaneously interacting with the players. The task of the fourth stage is to develop the ability to use technical techniques effectively and reliably in game conditions during active opposition from the opponent. At this stage, the technical training of football players includes game exercises with a small number of players. This makes tactical tasks easier, but allows students to perform a large number of actions simultaneously.


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