


volleyball, serving the ball, errors, women’s teams, men’s teams, highly skilled teams.


Volleyball, as a sports game, is one of the most widespread sports in the world, and as a result, it requires a detailed study of various aspects of the functioning of this type of activity, in particular, what concerns the system of control of competitive activity. The analysis of research by specialists proved the presence of a sufficiently large amount of information regarding the indicators of competitive activity in volleyball. At the same time, there are no data on the use of technical-tactical actions with distribution by game sets and their comparison between men’s and women’s teams. The purpose of the study: to determine the gender characteristics of the use of ball serves in the fifth set of a match of highly qualified teams in volleyball. Research methods: analysis and generalization of information sources, pedagogical observation, methods of mathematical statistics. Study results. It was found that men’s highly skilled teams average 9.32 power serves and 3.22 glider serves in the fifth set of a match. High-skilled women’s teams use an average of 4.40 power serves and 11.20 glider serves in the fifth set of a match. Men’s teams win an average of 3.19 draws after using power serves in the fifth set of a match, and 2.25 draws after glider serves. For women’s teams, these indicators are 2.00 points after power serves and 4.28 points after glider serves, respectively. As for lost draws, men lose 6.37 points after power serves in the fifth set on average and 3.02 points after glider serves. For women’s teams, the indicators of the specified components of competitive activity are: after a power serve - 2.14 lost draws, after a glider serve - 7.22 lost points. Conclusions. The results of pedagogical observation allow us to state that highly skilled men’s volleyball teams perform significantly more power serves in the fifth set of the match than women’s teams, which in turn leads to more mistakes and more wins. Highly qualified women’s teams in the fifth set of a volleyball match prefer to use a more technical type of serve, namely the glider serve, while men’s teams use more of a power style of play, which is manifested in the use of more power serves.


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