


football, goalkeepers, physical training, specialization.


Characteristics of psychomotoric, physical and technical tactical preparedness of football goalkeepers of different qualifications. Analyzed on the basis of the analysis of scientific literature, pedagogical observations and own practical experience, the characteristics of psychomotor skills, physical and technical-tactical preparation of football goalkeepers of various qualifications. The study identifies the key aspects that influence the high level of performance of football goalkeepers and reveals the difference between goalkeepers of different experience and skills in football. The authors use the methods of pedagogical observation, interviews with leading practitioners to analyze the technical and tactical aspects of the game in order to investigate the influence of these characteristics on the success of the goalkeepers’ game activity in football matches. The paper presents the model characteristics of players of a particular role and thoroughly analyzes the features of competitive activities of footballers in this position. One of the key focuses is on studying the characteristics of educational, training, and competitive activities of goalkeepers during the basic training stage, taking into account the preparation of a quality reserve for professional football teams. Objective. To study the characteristics of psychomotor skills, physical, and technical-tactical preparedness of goalkeepers of different qualifications. Results. Research on physical preparedness can help develop injury prevention programs for goalkeepers. This is particularly important as goalkeepers are often prone to injuries due to intense physical activity and jumping. Studies on technical-tactical preparedness can identify the best methods for teaching goalkeepers’ techniques and tactics. This can help improve the efficiency of goalkeepers on the field. Studying the characteristics of goalkeepers of different qualifications can also contribute to the development of new game analysis methods and the determination of optimal strategies for teams depending on the type of goalkeeper in the goal. All the above allows us to conclude that effective mastery of technical-tactical preparedness of goalkeepers is not possible without a proper level of physical preparedness. In this study, there are individual works dedicated to the peculiarities of physical training of football goalkeepers, which are fragmentary in nature, and their conclusions are not experimentally confirmed.


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