


financial support, activity, distribution, funds, directions, children’s and youth sports schools.


The complicated conditions of Ukraine’s development today, economic instability and a significant number of other factors of negative influence encourage solving the important task of finding rational ways to improve the material, technical and financial support for the activities of the children’s and youth sports schools. Purpose: to characterize indicators of financial support for children’s and youth sports schools in Lviv. Methods: theoretical analysis and generalization, analysis of documentary materials, comparison, methods of mathematical statistics. The results. In the 2020s, financing of the physical culture and sports sphere of Ukraine had somewhat wave-like dynamics. There was a significant increase in the amount of security from 2020 to 2021 – by 287%, from 2021 to 2022 this amount increased by only 5.4%. However, in 2023, in the conditions of a crisis for Ukraine, the budget allocated to the sphere decreased significantly and amounted to only 51.2% of the budget of the previous year. When discussing the issue of the budget, in particular, the Department of Sports, it should be noted that in the 2020s, its amount mostly increased. Despite the COVID pandemic that was raging in the world and the restrictions that sports suffered in particular, spending on it in 2020 was increased by 26.5% (105.9 million UAH) compared to 2019. In 2021, this amount increased by 24.8% (132.2 million hryvnias). Conclusions. The main link of children’s and youth sports in Ukraine remains children’s and youth sports schools. In these institutions, the future sports reserve is being prepared. At the same time, there are a number of problems faced by children’s and youth sports schools, the most important of which is the problem of financial and, as a consequence, material and technical support. The lack of funding for the needs of the children’s and youth sports schools makes it impossible to qualitatively update the material and technical base, reconstruct the outdated infrastructure and build a new one. These institutions depend largely on the budget allocated by local authorities, which does not allow filling the needs in full and, at the same time, they do not have sufficient opportunities according to the existing legislation, to conduct business activities in order to fill their budget independently.


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Про внесення змін до Положення про дитячо-юнацьку спортивну школу та Положення про центр олімпійської підготовки : постанова Кабінету Міністрів України від 5 листопада 2008 р. № 993 із змінами № 1159 від 25.11.2020.

