


fitness training, future physical culture and sports specialists, physical exercises, functional training


Today, fitness, various directions, and functional training are actively developing. An important condition in the training of future specialists in physical culture and sports is the formation of theoretical and methodological preparation in the process of obtaining an education with further implementation during training in fitness. Theoretical-methodical preparation is formed during education by listening to lectures, practical activities and independent preparation, in particular, writing notes, preparing to conduct part or all of the lesson independently. In order to master the material received during the lectures, in addition to the stages of learning exercises, guided and special means for improving the assimilation of the material, as well as the theoretical component, which is the beginning of informing those who are taught or trained, should be described. The work presents training on the example of the "Burpee" exercise, which is one of the most common exercises that can be used during distance and online training. During its training, you should start studying the muscles involved in its performance in the classic version of the exercise and in its variations. It is also necessary to understand the sequence of teaching, which should begin with verbal and visual methods: explanation and demonstration, and then proceed to the practical method, starting with auxiliary exercises. The purpose of the work. Summarize and systematize the data as an example of the description of theoretical and methodological information when teaching one exercise, in the process of self-training of future physical culture and sports specialists. Research task. Study of literary sources and their analysis, synthesis, generalization, systematization, description. Research methodology provided for the use of the basics of the theory and methodology of physical culture, methodological basics of sports training, anatomy and physiology, analysis and synthesis, actualization, description. The scientific novelty consists in actualization of important aspects of self-training of future specialists in physical culture and sports, which is appropriate for the formation of theoretical and methodological preparedness. Materials and methods. In the process of collecting and systematizing information, conversations were held with fitness trainers from Chernihiv and Kyiv (n=32). Conclusions. In the process of summarizing and systematizing information during exercise training, theoretical and methodical selftraining data are given on the example of exercise training, which are relevant for future specialists in physical education and sports.


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