


recognized sports in Ukraine, list, register, dynamics


An important indicator of the development of a sport in the country is the involvement of a large number of different population groups in this sport. At the state level, there are mechanisms that promote the popularization of various sports due to their inclusion in the register (list) of recognized sports in Ukraine and providing state support. The goal is to analyze the legal framework and to track the dynamics of official recognition of various sports at the state level in the period from 2001 to 2024. Research methods: analysis of scientific sources, regulatory framework of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine and the relevant Ministry, methods of statistical analysis. The results. The analysis of the regulatory framework of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, namely the orders "On the approval of the List of sports recognized in Ukraine" and "On the approval of the Register of recognized sports in Ukraine" of 2001, 2012 and 2015 with a significant number allowed to clearly determine the number of sports and changes regarding their inclusion and exclusion from the list and register. Conclusions. For the period from 2001 to the beginning of 2024, there is a positive trend in increasing the number of sports in the country. The number of registered Olympic sports increased from 52 to 56. The list of sports for persons with disabilities with musculoskeletal disorders, vision, hearing, and mental and physical development disabilities expanded from 35 to 45 sports. The biggest changes regarding the inclusion of sports in the register concerned non- Olympic and national sports. Their number almost doubled from 70 to 120 during the specified period. The total number of sports recognized in Ukraine increased from 157 to 221 during the research period. The diversity of recognized sports and their constant quantitative increase positively affects the population's involvement in sports. An officially recognized sport receives the right to state support and, as a result, to hold official competitions, create national teams to compete abroad, assign sports titles, finance and develop infrastructure, etc.


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