


speed of visual-motor reactions, technical actions, young football players


The effectiveness of football lessons, the giftedness of young athletes largely depends on the systematic analysis of the role of various sensorimotor reactions in the development and manifestation of technical actions. The accumulation of theoretical and practical information on this issue will significantly expand the understanding of the essence of the manifestation of sensorimotor response in football players, will contribute to the selection of information indicators that would characterize the success of sports skills of young football players. In order to determine the speed of visual-motor reactions, technical readiness, and their interrelationship, a study was conducted in a children's and youth sport school in the city of Oleshky, Kherson region. 10 young football players aged 10-11 years and 8 young football players aged 12-13 years participated in the examination. Reaction speed of young football players was measured by indicators of latent periods of a simple visual-motor reaction, choice reactions and reaction to a moving object, level of technical preparation. Examinations were carried out using the "Diagnost-1" computer system (methodology of M.V. Makarenko). It was found that according to all the indicators used to evaluate the reaction speed, football players of the older age group had relatively better results. It is explained by the better functioning of various links of the motor analyzer at this age, which are responsible for the development and course of the speed characteristics of a person. As a result of the study of the dependence between the speed of reaction and the technical readiness of young football players, it can be concluded that football players 10-11 years old with high ("Striking the ball on accuracy", "Running for 30 m", "Accuracy of passing the ball on average distance after circling 3 posts with ball handling"), average ("Striking the ball for accuracy", "Accuracy of passing the ball over a long distance after circling 3 posts") and football players 12-13 years old with high ("Running for 30 m with dribbling", "Accuracy of passing the ball to medium and long distances after circling 3 posts with dribbling"), medium ("Hitting the ball on accuracy ») levels of response speed, in general, are characterized by relatively better results in mastering technical actions.


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