sports training, futsal players, loads, training sessions, competitive activity, physical fitnessAbstract
The article deals with the organization of the training process of futsal players, characterized tasks and methods of training sessions. The stated purpose of the work is to investigate and introduce into the training process the methodology of improving the physical qualities of futsal students who are engaged in the group of improving sportsmanship “Futsal” of the institution of higher education. The methodology of the article consists of a summary of the results of a theoretical study on the study of the training process of futsal players. It has been analyzed and proven that there is a close relationship between motor qualities and abilities, as they are the foundation in the coordination of physical and technical excellence. The method of improving physical qualities in the training process was revealed, which was based on the work program of the educational discipline “Futsal and its teaching methods” for students of the group of improving sportsmanship of the NNIFK SumyDPU named after A.S. Makarenko, the educational and methodological documentation of the coaches of the State University of Secondary Education and scientists. Based on the results of the study, an analysis of the results of the general and special physical fitness of futsal players during the studied period was carried out. Conclusions were made that during the educational and training process in institutions of higher education, their physical training in the group of improving sportsmanship in futsal should have a more pronounced specialized orientation than it was at the previous stages of sports training. The main focus is primarily on the development of strength and endurance, but further improvement of such qualities as speed, agility and flexibility is necessary.
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