
  • Serhii Cherednichenko Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A. S. Makarenko https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4690-2371
  • Vitalii Krapivin Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A. S. Makarenko




applied all-around, physical activity, mental development, social development, academic success, methodological approaches, pedagogical experiment, motor coordination, educational programs, extracurricular activities


The article examines the features of organizing applied multi-sport activities, which are an important component of physical education. Emphasis is placed on the importance of physical activity for the mental, social, and academic development of students. Physical activity helps improve mood, reduce stress and anxiety, boost self-confidence, and foster a positive attitude towards a healthy lifestyle. It also contributes to the development of social skills such as teamwork, leadership, and mutual assistance, which are crucial for the successful socialization of students. Additionally, regular physical exercise positively impacts academic performance by improving concentration, memory, and overall cognitive function. The article explores methodological approaches to organizing extracurricular activities in applied multi-sport. A key aspect is the individualization of training, which considers the preparation level, physical capabilities, and interests of each student. This ensures a highly effective approach to developing physical qualities and skills. Combining group and individual sessions diversifies the learning process, increases student motivation, and ensures more effective material assimilation. Using various methods, such as games, competitions, and training techniques, enhances interest in the activities and their effectiveness. Ensuring consistency and systematic training is crucial for achieving high results. The planning of applied multi-sport activities should include preparation, main part, and completion stages, which provide comprehensive physical development for students. The preparation stage involves warm-up and general physical development exercises. The main part includes mastering the techniques of applied multi-sport, such as jumping, running, swimming, and other exercises that develop coordination, speed, and endurance. The completion stage involves cool-down and stretching, which help relieve tension and recover the body after exertion. Thus, a comprehensive approach to organizing applied multi-sport activities, which includes individualization, a variety of methods, systematic and consistent training, ensures the overall development of students and promotes their physical, mental, and social wellbeing.


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