football, preparatory period of the annual cycle, physical training, physical qualities, correlation of physical fitness indicatorsAbstract
The effectiveness of preparation for the competitive period depends on the content of all types of work and their rational combination during the annual cycle. Modern football requires an athlete to achieve a very high functional level, the ability to endure very large training and competitive loads, and quickly recover from them. This requires a special foundation that precisely meets the requirements of the chosen sport and provides readiness for effective performance of basic special physical training and the entire subsequent training process. Physical training is the foundation on which the technical, technical-tactical, psychological and functional training of a football player is built. Physical training is important at each of the stages of the athletes' long-term improvement, since the effective performance of technical and tactical actions during the competition requires the appropriate level of development of physical qualities. The level of physical fitness of a football player affects his assimilation of technical elements and the use of technical and tactical actions during the competitive period. The purpose of the study was the scientific substantiation of the content of physical training in the preparatory period of the training process of FC Riga 2 team. Research methods – the study of scientific and methodological literature, pedagogical methods of research (observation, pedagogical testing of physical fitness when using Catapult sensors), methods of mathematical statistics. With the use of Catapult sensors, the indicators of speed, endurance, speed-power endurance and speed-power abilities were measured in athletes of FC Riga 2 (Latvia) and the correlation between them was determined, which was the basis for substantiating the content of physical training during the preparatory period for team training to the Championship of the First League of Latvia. A close correlation was noted between most indicators of physical fitness, the highest (r=1.00) between running at a distance of 01:17:08 and the average distance in 1 minute and the volume and intensity of the player's workload. An average relationship was found between all the studied indicators and high-intensity running at a speed of 19.8-25.2 km/h, except for low-intensity running at a speed of less than 14.4 km/h (m), where it was practically absent and was equal to r=0.07. This gave grounds for planning the content of the preparatory period to select means and methods that would purposefully influence the result of speed-strength endurance and speed-strength abilities and to plan them for separate training sessions in order to increase the effectiveness of the training process of FC Riga 2 players.
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