


functional state, health of athletes, rational nutrition, biologically active supplements


The article found out that rational and adequate nutrition is a factor that allows to increase the potential of the adaptation capabilities of athletes and, as a result, contributes to the improvement of results. As a result of high training and competitive loads, diet is one of the effective factors in strengthening and preventing health disorders. The review confirmed the need for the use of special products of increased biological value (PPBC), dietary supplements – biologically active food additives in the conditions of modern sports, to speed up recovery processes and increase sports performance. Dietary supplements for food occupy an intermediate position between medicinal products and food products and are most often used to provide the human diet with curative or curative-prophylactic properties. Dietary supplements are not medicinal products, although they may contain the same biologically active substances included in some medicinal products (for example, vitamins or trace elements). Biologically active food supplements cannot be compared with medicinal products. They are designed to be used for fundamentally different purposes – for the prevention and maintenance of functional activity and increasing the performance of athletes. The authors came to the conclusion that the use of dietary supplements, i.e. nutritional supplements, in sports is possible as a universal tool that reduces the level of negative impact of intense physical and psycho-emotional stress on the functional state and health of athletes.


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