


biathletes, preparation, methodology, preparatory period


High sports results in modern biathlon are determined by a high level of organization of the training process of athletes, which involves organic unity and an optimal ratio of physical, technical, tactical, psychological, volitional and theoretical training. The problem of training young biathletes remains relevant and attention to it only grows with the growth of world achievements in the field of sports. The goal is to develop a methodology for training 15–16-year-old biathletes in the preparatory period with a strength focus. Research methods: analysis of scientific and methodical literature, method of expert evaluations. 10 respondents with 5–18 years of coaching experience in sports facilities of various types took part in the study as experts. The results. The works of leading specialists in the field of physical culture and sports regarding the training of biathletes at various stages of the annual cycle were considered. The information database on the structure and content of the training of biathletes aged 15–16 years and the use of basic and special preparatory exercises in the process of training biathletes, which has a strength orientation, has been supplemented. The method of training biathletes in the preparatory period with a strength orientation has been developed and substantiated. It was found that when using the proposed method, it is advisable to take into account the peculiarities of the preparatory period. Conclusions. During the analysis of the literature, the organization and distribution of training classes in different periods of training of young biathletes, the direction of loads in these trainings were considered. Based on the knowledge obtained, the methodology of the preparation period of biathletes was compiled, which included two mesocycles and 5 microcycles. An approximate content of the microcycles of the two mesocycles of the preparatory period was developed. The experts confirmed the expediency of using this technique in the training process of biathletes.


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