somatic health, physical and health-improving activity, healthy lifestyle, physical activity, studentsAbstract
Training students in higher education at present takes place under the influence of rapid scientific and technological progress, a steady stream of information and automation of human activities causing high load of the central nervous system of young people along with lack of physical activity, which leads to an increase in the number of students who have chronic rejection in health, increasing the number of students who are in the classroom for physical education to special medical groups. The tendency to reduce individual health indicators monitored and university students of Sumy region. Low and lower than average levels of physical health are generally 95% of boys and 99% girls, that requires physical education teachers continuously monitoring the health of students. Only if good health and comprehensive training young person is able to effectively realize their professional potential, find their rightful place in society. Low rates of physical health and lack of physical activity led to the development of measures oriented sports and recreation for university students of Sumy. Therefore, our article focuses on the actual problem of our present – improve the health of students in higher education. The results of the study changes in indicators of physical health of students of the first year of Sumy State Pedagogical University A. S. Makarenko after the implementation of the main activities of students set to optimize sports and recreation activities. After the experiment, state the positive changes in the index of physical health of students and student, and its components in the experimental groups.
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