tactical preparedness, football players 15-16 years old, training process, annual training cycleAbstract
The article states that tactical training is a process aimed at mastering the technical and tactical skills of various football techniques, established in special, competitive conditions. Tactical skills are achieved only as a result of long-term purposeful systematic training. Comprehensive technical training is the basis for implementing tactical processes. The higher the technique of the players, the more successfully they will be able to solve tactical tasks, the higher the tactical skill of the team in general. This is a complex process, when players quickly perceive game situations, analyze them, make the right decisions regarding the use of technical techniques of playing football. The planning of the educational and training process during the pedagogical experiment had corresponding stages. Initially, it was planned to involve comprehensive physical training and mastering of basic technical techniques. When a young football player acquired the necessary playing skills and began to participate in competitions, prospective planning of educational and training work was carried out. Annual planning was carried out in cycles: autumn-winter (October-March) and spring-summer (April-September). Their duration and specific content was determined according to age, technical and tactical readiness, future competitions during the year, etc. All types of training were planned during both periods. However, depending on the specific tasks of the team or specific, individual plans, certain attention was paid to this or that type of training and, accordingly, more or less time. The program of training sessions to improve the tactical readiness of 15-16-year-old football players on the basis of the Krasnopil Settlement Council was supplemented. The effectiveness of the supplemented program for tactical training of 15-16-year-old football players with complexes with special physical exercises was determined.
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