physical recreation, female students, Pole dance fitness, physical trainingAbstract
The analysis of literary sources indicates that physical recreation and recreational activities can have significant health benefits for Ukrainian youth, and further research and development of recreational technologies and programs may contribute to overall improvements in their health and well-being. The authors also studied various forms of physical recreation that are popular among young people in Ukraine, as well as the advantages and problems associated with this activity. The research is based on a survey of 100 Ukrainian young people aged 17–21, conducted in 2012. Regular participation in recreational activities is associated with numerous benefits for physical and mental health, including improved cardiovascular health, reduced risk of chronic disease, improved mental health and socialization. In addition, participating in physical activity at a young age can form lifelong habits that promote a healthy lifestyle. Objective: To substantiate the feasibility of using recreational and health-enhancing activities for female students of higher education institutions. Research Methods: аnalysis of scientific and methodological literature, observation, pedagogical experiment, psychophysiological research methods, and methods of mathematical statistics. Research Results. А survey of 1st- and 2nd-year female students revealed that one of the most popular types of physical activity is “Fitness,” chosen by about 41% of the participants, reflecting the introduction of new dance trends. The proposed activities led to a statistically significant decrease in resting heart rate (by -4.47%) and an increase in the “PWC170” test results by 25.3%, indicating improved functional capacity of the cardiovascular system. Positive dynamics were observed in the physical fitness indicators of the students during the experiment. Flexibility improved by 19.6%, abdominal strength by 15.65%, upper body strength by 45.13% (p < 0.05), and hand grip strength by 16.2% (p < 0.05).
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