



Savat, psychology, preparation, tactics, strategy


The article deals with the psychological preparation of fighters as one of the key factors of successful sports activities in French Savat boxing. The analysis of modern scientific and methodological literature on selected issues regarding the study of the mental and psychophysiological state of athletes from various types of martial arts indicates the relevance and importance of studying the state of the physiological systems of boxers in various conditions of training and competition. The authors believe that it is easier to teach a fighter technique than psychological stability. Correctly constructed tactics and strategy are considered as a method of easing the tension before the fight and increasing the level of psychological readiness of the fighter in French boxing. Savaters act against the background of great psychological stress, characteristic of any type of martial arts. The threat of a strong blow makes savat particularly spectacular and places increased demands on a number of mental processes, qualities and states of the athlete. The purpose of the article is to investigate the features of improving the psychological training of fighters in French Savat boxing. Research methods: theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific and methodical literature, pedagogical observation, data from the Internet network. A properly developed strategy is the key to a confident fight. The ability to quickly change tactics, the manner of conducting a fight with a previously developed battle plan. The formation of tactics and strategies for conducting a duel is a factor in the successful activity of a saboteur. The Savater must have self-confidence, be able to manage stress, turn uncertainty into strength, be motivated without losing the level of vigilance necessary for confrontation, be combative without going beyond normative boundaries. These conditions are interdependent on the technical-tactical and strategic levels, that is, the proper level of technical training will calm the fighter and give him confidence. Maximally considering all possible options for the development of the match will allow you to use the tactical aspect wisely and effectively and help you overcome stress.


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