long-term training, initial stage of training, football, strength abilities, preschool football, age features, physical qualitiesAbstract
Strength abilities are the ability of a person to perform an action to overcome resistance through muscle effort. In sports training, strength is one of the most important things, since the activity of football players is determined by high power, intensity and a mixed type of energy supply. During the game, football players perform not only sprints in interval mode, but also a high number of accelerations and decelerations with acute braking and changes in direction, which is related to the parameters of strength abilities. Also, the biomechanics of a football player’s movements includes a constant change of direction during which there are sharp switches of speeds and overcoming of external resistance during the transition from the braking phase to the pushing phase. Strength ability is manifested as a factor in the external struggle with an opponent, during which it is necessary to win the top ball (jump up), perform a roll (jump forward) or play with the body as a static effort. In the process of long-term improvement, the sensitive period of development of strength abilities refers to the pre-basic and specialized-basic periods. At the same time, in the process of age-related ontogenesis, children acquire characteristics of the flight phase from the age of 3, and during training, a 1-to-1 game is used, where children have external pressure and resistance. The purpose of this work is to analyze the level of manifestation of strength abilities among beginner football players aged 5 to 10 years, taking into account their previous experience in sports. The basis of the research is a comparative characteristic between the control group (football players who started playing football at the age of up to 6 years in preschool football clubs), the main group №1 (football players who started playing football at the age of after 6 years in the CYSS) and the main group №2 (children without experience of playing football who are just starting their sports career). To determine the level of manifestation of power abilities, a pedagogical test was conducted, which includes 3 tests: a long jump from a place, a triple long jump, a high jump. The result is recorded in meters at the last mark. The results of pedagogical testing indicate that the control group has the lowest percentage of scattering of indicators relative to the average value, which confirms the positive impact of the training process on each of its participants, while the test results are also of the highest quality compared to other groups, which indicates a difference in the level of preparedness of children at the initial stage of training.
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