special physical training, physical qualities, rapier fencers, stage of specialized basic trainingAbstract
The article deals with special physical training in the training process of rapier fencers at the stage of special basic training. The purpose of the study is to determine the structure and content of special physical training in the training process of rapier fencers at the stage of specialized basic training. Research methods: theoretical analysis and generalization, sociological methods (questionnaires) and methods of mathematical statistics. The results. Based on a questionnaire survey of leading fencing coaches, the importance of special physical training in the training process of rapier fencers at the stage of special basic training was determined; the optimal version of the structure and content of special physical training of fencers at the stage of special basic training; profile physical qualities for rapier fencers, which affects performance in competitive activities, are defined. Conclusions. At the stage of special basic training of fencers, according to the vast majority of respondents (38%), significant attention should be paid to special physical training, since it is at this stage that the volume of training and competition loads increases, technical and tactical actions are improved for success in a competitive match. According to the results of the survey, the respondents had differences of opinion regarding the ratio of types of physical training of rapier swordsmen at the stage of specialized basic training, the trainers noted that special physical training, which was in the range of 50 to 70%, was of primary importance. According to experts, the effectiveness of competitive activity of rapier fencers is most influenced by: general endurance (67.6%), special flexibility (65.7%), speed to rearrange movements (48.4%), explosive power (41.2%) and complex manifestation of quickness (38.3%).
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