


physical health, physical education, students, indicators, higher educational institution


The article considers physical education as a pedagogical process that is aimed at achieving physical perfection, it is necessary, first of all, to highlight its main factors such as health, during the implementation of which the forms and functions of the human body are optimized, which develops and increases the level of physical (motor) abilities and qualities ; educational, which expands and improves the scope of knowledge, motor skills and abilities of the students of education. The effectiveness of physical education is largely determined by priority approaches to the optimization of constituent factors. The specific weight (ratio) of health-improving and developmental factors in the educational process should first of all be determined by the physical health (the level of compliance with the norm of indicators of the body’s functional systems) of higher education students. With the normal condition of the functional systems of the organism of the students of the institution of higher education (hereinafter referred to as higher education institution), both factors can be implemented in the educational process in the optimal amount. If the level of physical health is unsatisfactory, first of all, it is necessary to determine the means and methods of its normalization, after which start the implementation of the health-improving task. At the same time, it is possible to solve educational tasks related to mastering the program volume of knowledge, skills and abilities. The amount of knowledge, skills and abilities required by the acquirers is determined by current regulatory documents. At the same time, physical exertion should not exceed the adaptive capabilities of the body. This requirement fully refers to the development of such motor abilities as flexibility and agility, and with a number of limitations to general endurance. The study of the peculiarities of the level of physical health of students of higher education is one of the topical topics of physical education.


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