


freestyle wrestling, individualization, freestyle wrestlers, match style


In the theory and practice of freestyle wrestling, coaches and specialists are constantly searching for effective methods to achieve high sports results with minimal time and effort expenditure from both athletes and coaches. However, each year the task becomes more complicated due to the increasing demands on freestyle wrestlers, the intensifying competition on the international stage, and the rising intensity of training and competition loads. This issue becomes particularly relevant in the context of specialized schools, where the number of children attending sports sections is steadily declining, limiting coaches’ opportunities to select talented and promising wrestlers. Consequently, coaches must employ an individual approach when working with each capable student. This article expands theoretical concepts regarding the individualization of training for students in specialized schools during freestyle wrestling classes. The theoretical analysis of scientific and methodological literature shows that this aspect remains a relevant direction for further research. It has been established that the implementation of the principle of individualization in athlete training should consider the diverse levels of their preparedness, as well as individual-typological and personal characteristics of their reactions to training loads. Additionally, the chosen style of sports activity, the structure of physical preparedness, and the motivation of participants should be taken into account. The generalization of research findings indicates that the individual characteristics of wrestlers should include not only morphological parameters but also specific traits of the nervous system and temperament. These factors significantly influence the individual style of conducting competitive bouts and the ability to implement tactical plans in extreme competition conditions. An important block of research focuses on the in-depth study of the competitive styles of freestyle wrestlers as a relatively stable individual system of conducting wrestling, which maintains its core structure. These conclusions emphasize the necessity of considering the individual characteristics of athletes in the training process, as this can significantly impact their effectiveness during competitions.


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