


athletes, kinesiotaping, training process, competitive process, ankle, Achilles tendon, knee joint, quadriceps femoris, posterior thigh muscle


The article considers the authors' system of views on the effective application of the kinesio-taping method in various fields of human activity, in particular in sports and clinical medicine. The essence of the concept of "kinesiotape" is revealed, which is understood as an elastic adhesive tape consisting of 100% cotton and covered with a hypoallergenic acrylic-based adhesive layer. The unique properties of kinesio tapes are described: the thickness and weight of the tape are similar to the skin; the adhesive layer of the tape is 100%, it is acrylic and activated by heating; it breathes due to its porous structure; it does not contain drugs and latex; the taping effect lasts for 5-7 days even under increased loads and interaction with water; the risk of side effects is minimal. The article describes the essence of the concept of "taping in sports", which is understood as a method used to treat and prevent sports injuries, as well as to improve the functionality and performance of athletes. The expediency of using sports taping in order to reduce the likelihood of injury and increase the functional capabilities of relatively weak links of the musculoskeletal system of athletes is determined. The most traumatic parts of the body of track and field athletes to whom taping should be applied to prevent sports injuries are considered. The procedure for applying taping to athletes engaged in athletics on the ankles of the feet in order to prevent injuries is described. The process of applying elastic tape to professional track and field athletes on the Achilles tendon is characterized. The scheme of applying taping to the knee joint of athletes to prevent injuries during the training and competitive process is presented. The scheme of applying taping to the quadriceps femoris and the muscles of the posterior thigh surface in order to prevent injuries during the training and competition process is presented.


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