communication interactions, volleyball students, psychological training.Abstract
The actuality of the problem. In team sports, it is necessary to take into account the influence of status-role relations on interpersonal interaction, since role expectations determine the tasks and functions of the activity performed. Role prescriptions in volleyball also determine the direction of communication: organizers of joint actions (dispatchers, connectors) more often initiate requests and participate in planning and correcting interaction. At the same time, it is important to monitor the level of communication between participants in sports activities and prevent communication barriers. Knowing and taking into account the communication and behavioral characteristics of athletes will help to improve training and competition activities. Research methodology. Analysis and synthesis of scientific and methodological literature, pedagogical observation, pedagogical experiment, psychological and pedagogical methods, testing. The results of the study. The developed complex of verbal and non-verbal methods of communication between volleyball players was implemented in the educational and training process. The proposed methods of communication were studied, analyzed and discussed in game situations, used and applied in given combinations. These methods of communication were reproduced in game situations. The means of communication (verbal and non-verbal) were used to determine the ways of defense and attack. Conclusions. During the observation of student volleyball players, communication barriers related to the peculiarities of the educational institution, the rules of communication and the long stay in the collective environment were identified. The main means, methods and forms of organizing the communicative activity of student volleyball teams were psychological and technical games, exercises, modeling of game situations and practicing technical and tactical actions at the training stage.
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