


archery, athletes, Olympic sport, European Championship, World Championship.


High sports results in archery are determined by the high level of organization of the process of complex training of athletes. Stormy progress is taking place as a result of the introduction of modern achievements in the theory and methodology of sports training, improvement of shooting technique, improvement of material support, etc., into the training of archers. However, the problem of training archers remains relevant, attention to it only increases with the growth of world achievements in this kind of sport. The purpose of the study is to analyze the formation and development of archery as an Olympic sport in the USSR in order to use suitable historical experience. To solve it, we applied a complex of general scientific (analysis, synthesis, generalization) and special-historical (historical-typological, chronological and historical-systemic) research methods. The results. The formation and development of archery as an Olympic sport was analyzed. It was determined that archery as a kind of sport originated in the 15th century. But it gained special development with its introduction to the program of the Olympic Games. The first World Archery Championship was held in Lviv (1931). At the same time, the International Archery Federation (FITA) was created, which began to organize world championships, international tournaments and regional championships according to international rules. Archery in the USSR gained particular popularity from the mid-1950s. In 1972, after a long break, archery was included again in the program of the Olympic Games. Conclusions. Analysis of literary sources proved that archery, as an Olympic kind of sport, permanently developed in the USSR. Records and results at the Olympic Games, the World Championships, European Championships, and international competitions evidenced it. The creation of a national system of training archers has contributed to the opportunity to be leaders and winners at world championships for a long time. Therefore, the traditions of the development of archery as an Olympic kind of sport in the USSR have significant scientific and practical potential and require a more detailed study.


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