


test battery, physical fitness, schoolchildren, students, testing


Assessing the physical fitness levels of schoolchildren and students is a vital component of the physical education system. The aim of the article is to identify key criteria that must be considered when selecting tests to evaluate the physical fitness of schoolchildren and students. A survey of experts (n=17) was conducted. Research Results. Two major groups of criteria should be considered when selecting tests for use in education: criteria related to the tests themselves and criteria directly related to the test participants. Physical fitness tests must meet the standards of validity and reliability, ensuring accurate measurements. Experts recommend using cost-effective test exercises that require minimal time, effort, and other resources. The tests should align with the characteristics and needs of the participants. They must be engaging and appealing to those being tested, matching the students’ interests in physical activity. It is crucial to provide the option of alternative test exercises at the discretion of the participants. Conclusions. Adapting tests to the age, gender, health condition, and fitness levels of students ensures accurate and fair assessment. Differentiating tasks makes testing more appealing and accessible to various participant groups. Allowing alternative test exercise choices enables students to select tasks that suit their interests and physical capabilities, increasing their motivation to participate. Developing a system of tests (a battery) is necessary to gather comprehensive information about the degree of harmonious physical development and fitness of students, predict their health status, solve various physical education tasks using coefficients, and provide a reliable basis for teaching, training, and monitoring progress. Thus, the implementation of adapted, precise, and safe tests will create an objective and efficient system for assessing the physical fitness of schoolchildren and students, fostering the development of physical education in the modern educational environment and encouraging youth to lead an active lifestyle.


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