


students, google service, educational process, physical education, sport, higher education institutions, physical readiness


The article deals with the problem of using Google services in the process of conducting physical education classes in higher educational institutions. The main Google products are characterized in the article; it is proved that their competent use in the process of physical education allows to increase the level of both cognitive activity and physical readiness of student youth in the process of conducting physical education classes at the university. To obtain the necessary information, general scientific methods of the theoretical level of research were used, namely: analysis of scientific and methodological literature of the Ukrainian and foreign scientists; sociological method of scientific and pedagogical research (questionnaire); pedagogical methods (pedagogical experiment, pedagogical observation); methods of mathematical statistics for the processing of research results. 50 first-year male students were involved in the experiment. The control and experimental groups were made up of 25 students each. At the beginning of October (beginning of the experiment) and at the end of May (end of the experiment) the students of the control and experimental groups took tests to define physical readiness indicators, namely: back strength, strength endurance (push-ups, leg sit on bar), flexibility (seated forward bend). The results of the study showed that conducting physical education classes using Google services positively influenced on the studied indicators: at the end of the experiment the increase in indicators in the experimental group was more than in the control one (back strength – by 5.07%, push-ups – by 14.38%, leg sit on bar – by 1.7%, flexibility – seated forward bend – by 24.6%). The need to form students’ sustainable interest in physical self-improvement in order to strengthen their own health, increase the level of physical readiness in the process of conducting physical education classes using Google services has been proved.


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